Contact Us
If you would like to sponsor us and be advertised both in our concert programme, posters and flyers, and on our website, please email us.
Join Us
The orchestra comprises a steadily growing number of enthusiastic members each at a unique stage on their own musical journey. Our commitment to achieving the highest standards is widely recognised as is our ethos of encouraging and enabling all members to develop and enjoy their playing as fully as possible. If you would like to play with the orchestra or find out more about us, please email us to get in touch.
Although we are essentially a String Orchestra we do invite non-string players to perform with us from time to time, so we are always pleased to receive expressions of interest from you, too.

North Hertfordshire is rich with musical talent and there are a number of ways you can get involved with music in this region both as a musician and audience.
A number of our players are members of Hertfordshire Philharmonia, a symphony orchestra that performs concerts throughout the county.
Other established organisations in the area include: